Maths Week Fun In 2nd Class!

2nd class did lots of fun maths week activities! They created their own snakes and ladders board game, set off on a maths trail around the school completing maths challenges, and they created amazing tessellation art pieces.
Great stuff 2nd Class!

Maths Week With 3rd Class!

Third class had great fun during maths week last week. They incorporated maths into lots of different activities. They had lots of discussion around maths in the environment and how they use maths every single day. Here are some pictures of a maths trail, trying to “untie” a human knot and playing ‘pig’ in groups and pairs which they really enjoyed.

Exploring in Senior Infants!

Senior Infants went exploring in the Secret Garden (Shhhhh). They were on the hunt for all things Autumn!

The Sky Is The Limit In Fourth Class!

The Sky is the Limit!
4th class really challenged their growth mindsets and patience last month by creating a paper maché hot air balloon over the course of 3 weeks!
They all tackled brand new concepts, accepted new challenges and showed fantastic perseverance. The results of these fantastic efforts are now hanging around the school stairways.
Well done 4th Class!

4th Class Busy With Hot Air Balloons!

4th class were very busy last week cutting, sticking and gluing to create their wonderful collage hot air balloons.

Lovely work 4th Class!

Junior Infants in Pine Forest!

Junior Infants had a lovely trip to Pine Forest Art Centre last week. They used natural art materials and learned all about nature. 



Active Week Circus Workshop

Last week we had Active Week in school and wow have the children been active!

We had a circus skills workshop as part of our activities. Here come the clowns! Well done everyone!



Seion Infants Explore Money!

Senior Infants have been learning all about money and have been doing lots of different tasks to explore the different coins! 


5th Class in the News!

5th Class in the News!

5th Class Red and their Gaelic Green Tongue Project made it into the news! Here it is on News2Day

Well done 5th Class Red!


Art Class Outside!

4th class took their Art lesson outside last week, focusing on shading and shadows. The children explored Herbert Park and captured an image using their Ipad. They practiced taking photos from different angles and compared and contrasted the pictures. Once the children completed their picture they then went on a hunt to find materials in the environment to frame their pictures!