3rd Class Carol Singing!
The children in 3rd Class have been working like busy elves to prepare a repertoire of festive favourites to help raise money for the Black Santa Appeal 2022!
They sang beautifully on the front steps of our lovely school.
The children in 3rd Class have been working like busy elves to prepare a repertoire of festive favourites to help raise money for the Black Santa Appeal 2022!
They sang beautifully on the front steps of our lovely school.
2nd class have invented their own amazing toys!
Each of their toys had very unique features. The class then used fantastic persuasive vocabulary to persuade Miss Murphy to buy their toys! Each child presented their work to the class and were awarded two stars and a wish by their peers.
Wonderful work 2nd Class!
Junior Infants have been participating in the ‘Active Break Challenge’ led by Mr Gibney.
It’s a great opportunity for Junior Infants to have a ‘brain break’ to enable them to focus and participate in learning activities.
Students pick from the ‘active brain break box’ which includes plank, stretching, jumping jacks, dancing and brain break chase videos.
The children love this as a transition from one lesson to another and it greatly improves their engagement in lessons.
Thank you to Mr Gibney for leading this initiative!
Last week, Fifth Class created Google Jamboards on the parts of the brain after reading ‘Fantastic Elastic Brain’, and later researched other organs in the body. The class recorded and presented their findings with their groups!
Following their visit to the Royal Hibernian Academy Gallery, 6th class have been working with two artists for three weeks, making some interesting pieces inspired by the exhibition they saw.
Beautiful work 6th class!
Last week the whole school celebrated Well-being week!
We explored growth mindsets and how we can take care of our well-being as well as that of our friends.
The students practiced some new ways to be mindful and took notice of what they are grateful for.
We made this beautiful Gratitude Tree as a whole school and all the students really enjoyed creating it together!
For the last few weeks Junior Infants have been exploring the theme of ‘The Hospital’ in Aistear and literacy. The children have role played doctors, nurses and paramedics and created various items of the hospital at our playdough and junk art stations.
Lovely work Junior Infants! We can’t wait to see what you’ll do next!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Heart to Hand Shoebox Appeal so generously last week. There was an incredible response to the appeal and it’s always so lovely to be a part of.
Thank you.
Fifth Class are hard at work putting together their Winter themed play script for their Christmas performance.
We can’t wait to see it 5th Class!
Last week, 6th Class went on a journey of discovery to EPIC, the Irish Emigration Museum.
Some were branded as convicts and sent far far awaaaayyyyyy…