Darth Clancy

May the Force be with You

Darth Clancy

Darth Clancy

Welcome back! Scottus National School pushes on with our daily rites in living and learning.

In addition to daily instruction, we also endeavour to include weekly PE and Sanskrit lectures.

Even our morning general assemblies, delivered by our very own Principal Clancy, have been tailored to be aired live to each class, eight times a week.

This week’s theme is to take care of everyone. Have a look at our own “master” ensuring each student delight in the present. Have a good week and stay safe, everyone.

Up your Game with Mr. Gibney’s Daily Challenge


Start your Easter holidays right with Mr. Gibney’s Daily Challenge.

PE teacher Mr. Gibney invites you to jump, run, skip, step and squat on the spot every day this week in a bid to improve your health.

There’s a challenge for every day of  the week. Take the plunge.

Morning Assembly Now Online

Morning daily assembly lectures started this week with great results.

“We had our second online assembly this morning with children from 2nd to 4th classes,” says Principal Cónall Clancy.

“Children are missing the 5’Ps: pausing, philosophy, practicing, pizza, and maybe, the Principal!”

Many thanks to Principal Clancy, the staff and the parents for all of their continued efforts during this time.

Musical Dress Rehearsal



Despite the disruption caused by the coronavirus, a full dress rehearsal of The King’s Dark Secret went ahead on Thursday, just hours before the school and theatre closed down. Check it out!





Our newest pupil!

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal – Thank You

Girls Hockey